The Kentucky Federation for Advanced Manufacturing Education (KY FAME) is a partnership of regional manufacturers whose purpose is to implement career pathway, apprenticeship-style educational programs that will create a pipeline of highly skilled workers. Scroll down to find out more.
Employers discovering the workforce of tomorrow…today. Students launching into their careers today…with no school debt!
Once you’re accepted into KY FAME, you will begin work on a combination education/training program to earn certification as an Advanced Manufacturing Technician (AMT). You will attend classes at a local community college two days a week and work 24 hours a week for a local employer – all while being paid a competitive wage for your work. After five semesters you will have earned an associate degree in Applied Science in Industrial Maintenance Technology-Advanced Manufacturing Technician Track, 68 to 71 college credit hours, two years of work experience and the AMT certification. At that point, you’ll be ready to enter the workforce full time with all the skills needed to succeed—and with the potential of no school debt!


Enter the Workforce as an
In-Demand, Skilled Technician
The KY FAME program partners students with industry while they take classes at select community colleges. The goal is for students to gain valuable employment experience with manufacturing leaders while also completing their associate degree.

Ready to learn more? Reach out to KY FAME today!