FL FAME – Sunshine Chapter launches at Daytona State College

FAME – Sunshine Chapter AMT Students
Daytona State College has officially launched Florida’s first chapter of the Federation for Advanced Manufacturing Education (FAME), a collaborative effort between DSC and local manufacturers designed to match students in the Associate of Science Engineering Technology program with job opportunities in the community.
A group of nine students who make up the first cohort were paired with sponsoring employers during a “Signing Day” ceremony in July at the Advanced Technology College, which kicked off three days of training and orientation. Students worked with their respective companies full time until classes began Aug. 23, after which they’re attending college two days a week and working three at their sponsoring company, with at least 24 hours per week on the job.
Companies currently working with Daytona State through the FAME program are: ABB, B.Braun, Boston Whaler, Dougherty Manufacturing, Dynamic Engineering Innovations, Everglades Boats, Germfree, Hudson Technologies, Pentair, SCCY Firearms, and Sparton.